Tuesday 21 April 2020

My new baby brother!!

My new baby brother!!
Monday 20th April 2020

My new baby brother!!
Monday 20th April 2020

A few days ago on the 10th of April it was my mum's 30th and my new baby brother was born on that day too! His name is Hoori Te Hauwaho. Me and my little sister Marley were really excited about  the baby. When Marley saw our little brother on the phone she was  shocked. She had lots of different emotions. I had to get an ice block so she could stop crying. That ice block worked for the whole day. When mummy and baby got back it was dinner time we had a huge feast. After dinner the whole family wanted to see our newest addition to our family. Marley was the most excited and she still is! She does not let anyone hold our new baby. We have to wait untill she is asleep so we can hold the new baby.

Hoori is from Tūhoe and Ngapuhi and is just 7 days old. He likes to eat, sleep, and spend time with family a lot. He is a calm little baby. Me and Marley like talking to him and sometimes he tries to kiss us. He is so tiny and has small dimples with pitch black hair. When he wakes up he usually likes to look around the room that he is in. Hoori has this baby pillow with animals on it and it looks like a massage pillow. Baby hoori keeps on scratching his face so we make him put on a pair of mittens.

Hoori’s middle name Te Hauwaho is named after a soldier from Tūhoe that went to war at world war 1 with 51 other men and returned. He is named after my great grandfather Hoori. Hoori has to eat every 3 hours because he is a small baby.He sleeps silently. My aunty Pania from Ihumātao wants my brother to marry her baby. I am also expecting another baby brother at my dads!!  Do you have a little sibling?
Here are some pictures of my little brother.           



  1. He is super cute and you look very proud. How neat that he was born on your mum's birthday.
    Thank you for telling me where his name came from.

    1. Thank you for the complements I`m sure he would like them if he could read.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Kia ora Jiraiya.My name is mariam from Room 25.Ooo that is such a cute baby and my frieand isabella thinks Its cute aswell.What time did he come out and how old is it now?.BL😂G YA LATER!
