Today I recreated a piece of art named Watermelon seller.The reason why I did this is because of the Summer Learning Journey(AKA SLJ). The summer learning journey is a series of activities that keep you learning throughout the Christmas holidays. Here is the original and my recreated art piece. Wich is your favorite
Friday, 11 December 2020
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Sina and the eel
For the past 2 weeks I have been working on the retell of Sina and the eel. I have been recording my voice with me retelling the stories. Well here is the slide show enjoy :)
Monday, 30 November 2020
How do authors create powerful images and emotional responses in their reader?
They possibly make powerful images using words that could be emotional (does not always have to be sad). you could also use descriptive words like manipulative and spontaneous. I also think authors create emotional responses by making a emotional background. Like Sina and the eel, they were friends since children then when they got older the eel wanted more time with Sina. But as Sina grew she had more responsibility's, so she asked for help from her cousin and the next day he slayed the irritating eel.
Friday, 6 November 2020
here is my camp slide
Thursday, 5 November 2020
dear diary
Dear diary, 22st/10/20
Today we did kayaking, It was so much fun. I loved because we were on top of the deep ocean.It made me feel like a voyager. We also found a shipwreck, it’s name was S. S. Wainui. It was a transport ship that transported resources and food. One day it got damaged, it was too expensive to repair so they spripped the valuable part’s and payed the Shakespeare family 50 cents a day to sink it.
After that we had rock climbing, This was especially hard for me and my friend Sulaiman because we are afraid of heights. I am a bit less afraid of heights compared to Sulaiman, but it was still hard for me. I went for the green route, there were some times when i just had to
Speed run some parts. I made it to the top a couple of times. If I were to rate this activity for my second day at camp I would give it s 6/10.
But out next activity is… Raft craft(I made that name up).In this activity I learnt how to make a square lash( type of know). I can’t really tell you how to do it so I will just tell the results. So when we got out to the water we needed everyone to help push it, because it was so bulky. Arden got the lucky seat on the back by himself. So towards the back of our raft it started to sink. Raft craft was really fun.
Last was mountain boarding.This activity was really fun because I like getting hurt and falling over(I know I’m weird) I kept twisting ankles but I think I did pretty good. My other friend Bitner was like really good we was like a demon.
Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Welcome to my DLO of being internet awesome
HI guys during the holidays I have been working on a DLO of being Internet Awesome. Are you Internet awesome?
Friday, 18 September 2020
My calendar art
Hi guys it's Jiraiya back posting another activity that I have been working on through out the past 2 two weeks. I made one point perspective art. A one point perspective is when there is a point around the top middle of your paper, then you draw some stuff on the sides.The closer the things are towards your point the should objects gets smaller, this creates an affect that makes you feel like you are traveling really fast. I tried really hard to make this so I hope you appreciate my art work here you go.👇
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Have you made a one point perspective before?
Friday, 11 September 2020
Animation water slide
So today I made an Animation for saving our water. It was really fun. I hope you enjoy this creation I have set for you. Bye.
Monday, 31 August 2020
My three little pigs remake
A long time ago, In a world far far away, there were three pigs. They lived with their mum in a crowded house. One day their mum said ” You fat pigs are getting too old to live with me, Pack your belongings and find somewhere else to live. So they did, they packed up their clothes and took some potato chips, and out the door they went. The first pig was the laziest in the three. He wanted to build a quick house. He wasn’t bothered by how his home would look like, he just wanted a roof over his head and a couch to sit on. So he gathered straw. It took him 1 week to make his house. The second pig wanted an average house . He didn’t want to rush his house unlike his little brother. But he didn’t want to work on his house for months. He gathered timber, and straw to connect the wood. It took him 5 weeks to build his house. The third pig was really hard working. She built her house out of clay bricks. She used mortar to weld each brick together. She wanted a house that would last her for a long time. It took her 2 months for her house to be finished. One day a wolf comes strolling down a path. Sniff sniff “I smell pork waiting to be eaten” he grinned sinisterly. So he walked to the flimsy straw house, and said “Little pig little pig let me in” “not by the hair my chinny chin chin”, so he huffed and he puffed and he blew the first house down. So the first little pig ran to his older brother. “Let me in, a big bad wolf is chasing me,” the young pig cried. Come in, he said. “Little pigs little pigs let me in” not by the hairs of our chinny chin chins” so he huffed and he puffed and he blew the second house down! So both of the pigs ran to the third house, “let us in, a big bad wolf is chasing us! “Come in,'' she said. “Little pigs little pigs let me in” “not by the hairs of our chinny chin chin” so he huffed and he puffed and the brick house did not fall down, he tried again he huffed and he puffed and the house did not fall down. The big bad wolf almost gave up, then an idea came to his head. He thought he could climb up on top of the roof and jump down through the chimney. But the little pigs were smart, they lit a fire in the chimney so the wolf would get burned if he decided to come down there, and not surprisingly enough he fell down the chimney. The big sister taught the little brothers how to make brick houses and that hard work always pays off.
Friday, 21 August 2020
whensday writing promt
Cautiously, a man grabs tightly to a metal bar to give him balance, the man gradually makes his way towards the top of a tower that is still in progress. He is wearing a nice furry jacket that arctic explorers use, and a nice pair of tights. Carelessly, the man pulls out a camera and starts recording, saying in a gleeful voice "what's up guys its Timmy here, and today we are on the tallest man made point in the whole world!"
SNAP the support rope has unattached putting the man's life at risk. He thought to him self for a moment thinking if this is really the end, he looked at his phone there was enough credit for one call. Beep boop boop calling 111 a voice said in a robotic accent. "Hello I'm in serious danger on the top the new tower being built particularly for the prime minister, "OK I will call the rescue team". 3 minuets later, a red helicopter with a noisy siren flies towards the man on the crane. The end
Thursday writing prompt
Friday, 3 July 2020
My mindset in a slideshow
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
More science with our singer Jiraiya
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
SCIENCE yessssss
I made a telephone...
Get a paper cup poke a hole into the cup but don't jab it! Put the string through the hole tie a knot so the string doesn't go back through , Do the same to the other cup and then THE FUN BEGINS. Find a partner and one of you put one of the ends to your ear and the other talks inside it. It should look like this 👇
My party game
Thursday, 11 June 2020
National geoJiraiya: epesode elephants
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
My digital foot print map
Friday, 5 June 2020
Bradley's horrifying monster
Friday, 8 May 2020
MY Bake off dish
Thursday, 7 May 2020
My limerick
But instead he did a belly flop
His tummy was red
And he thought he was dead
Flopity flipty blop
Where am I?
Do you know where I am?
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
My Research of Tokelau
Let me know if you learnt anything from this blog post. Have you ever been to Tokelau or have been planing to go to Tokelau?
Friday, 24 April 2020
Can you decode this message?
Thursday, 23 April 2020
lest we forget
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
grand pancake chef
My new baby brother!!
Monday 20th April 2020
My new baby brother!!
Monday 20th April 2020
A few days ago on the 10th of April it was my mum's 30th and my new baby brother was born on that day too! His name is Hoori Te Hauwaho. Me and my little sister Marley were really excited about the baby. When Marley saw our little brother on the phone she was shocked. She had lots of different emotions. I had to get an ice block so she could stop crying. That ice block worked for the whole day. When mummy and baby got back it was dinner time we had a huge feast. After dinner the whole family wanted to see our newest addition to our family. Marley was the most excited and she still is! She does not let anyone hold our new baby. We have to wait untill she is asleep so we can hold the new baby.
Hoori is from Tūhoe and Ngapuhi and is just 7 days old. He likes to eat, sleep, and spend time with family a lot. He is a calm little baby. Me and Marley like talking to him and sometimes he tries to kiss us. He is so tiny and has small dimples with pitch black hair. When he wakes up he usually likes to look around the room that he is in. Hoori has this baby pillow with animals on it and it looks like a massage pillow. Baby hoori keeps on scratching his face so we make him put on a pair of mittens.
Hoori’s middle name Te Hauwaho is named after a soldier from Tūhoe that went to war at world war 1 with 51 other men and returned. He is named after my great grandfather Hoori. Hoori has to eat every 3 hours because he is a small baby.He sleeps silently. My aunty Pania from Ihumātao wants my brother to marry her baby. I am also expecting another baby brother at my dads!! Do you have a little sibling?
Here are some pictures of my little brother.